
Naturally Agile

By Ruslan Valiyev
Published in DevOps
December 05, 2023
6 min read
Naturally Agile


  • Smidige draws parallels between nature's agile cycle and agile development, emphasizing incremental growth and adaptability.
  • The Fibonacci sequence serves as a metaphor for agile development at Smidige, highlighting the importance of iterative progress and value delivery.
  • Smidige embraces the natural concepts of adaptability, resilience, and cross-functional collaboration to enhance agile methodologies and organizational growth.

Nature has the ability to flourish in an agile cycle. Small iterative developments spawn incremental growth to reach maturity in a safe, adaptable, and reliable model.

Just like in the natural world, this intricate path (known as the Fibonacci sequence) offers a good metaphor for businesses that want to venture into the realm of agile development. So, let’s explore it in a little more detail.

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in whichch one is the sum of the two preceding ones. In other words, each number is obtained by adding the two digits immediately before it. For example, in mathematical terms, it begins with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

The Fibonacci sequence has many interesting mathematical properties and is closely related to the golden ratio, which appears in various natural phenomena. And this sequence is also often observed in nature! For instance, you can see it in the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the spirals of a pinecone, or the patterns in a sunflower head.

The sequence just reflects a mathematical elegance that seems to be woven into the fabric of the natural world. So, it’s not surprising this phenomenon has attracted people from various disciplines. Artists often incorporate it in compositions and layouts, musicians and composers integrate it in structure and timing, and computer science uses them to explore mathematical algorithms.

So, can we take advantage of these principles when discussing agile development? The short answer is: Yes. The longer one: There are many reasons why nature can serve as an inspiration for how we develop products. Let us show you why.

Drawing Business Inspiration From Nature

Nature can provide us with a compelling framework for organizational growth, adaptability, and sustainability. Picture this: Just as nature evolves and thrives amidst change, agile development principles offer valuable lessons for businesses seeking to navigate dynamic markets and shifting landscapes.

But the comparisons do not end there. In fact, adaptability, resilience, growth, incremental progress, collaboration, and efficient communication are all aspects that link nature and the world of holistic, agile development.

Driving Iterative, Incremental Growth

The relationship between the Fibonacci sequence and agile development methodologies is centered on their shared emphasis on gradual, incremental progress.

In Fibonacci, as we have covered, each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (e.g., 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…). Similarly, agile development pursues iterative and incremental progress in short, fixed-timeframe sprints. Each sprint yields a working increment of software - as each specific set of tasks that is tackled results in a functional and potentially deployable product. And over time, these accumulate for substantial growth in functionality, quality, and security.

This concept of incremental growth is also reflected in the way agile development prioritizes delivering value early and often. By breaking down the development process into smaller, manageable increments, agile teams can quickly respond to user needs and market demands, ensuring that each increment contributes meaningfully to the overall growth of the project.

Flexing and Adapting

Nature adapts to changing conditions; flexible growth allows organisms to respond to their environment. But the agile method flexes and adapts as conditions evolve, too!

In the natural world, organisms face various challenges, ranging from environmental shifts to resource competition. Those with the capacity for flexible growth are more likely to survive and succeed. We can see this flexibility manifesting in various ways, including changes in behavior, morphology, or even species developing new traits.

Similarly, agile methodologies prioritize adaptability. This is because agile is designed to respond to the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of the software development landscape. Agile teams must embrace change and view it as an opportunity to deliver a better product.

In other words, each agile sprint serves as a microcosm of the Fibonacci path (where each pair helps evolve the sequence), as it offers opportunities for teams to learn, adjust, and refine their strategies based on feedback and changing requirements. In time, teams learn to embrace changing requirements, technology, and conditions so the product evolves to match evolving needs.

In both nature and agile development, the key is recognizing that change is not an obstacle but an integral part of the journey!

Empowering Cross-Functional Teams

In nature, organic components interact to achieve growth. Cross-functional teams collaborate in the same way. Designers, developers, testers, and business stakeholders join forces with the synergy found in nature.

Nature’s ecosystems flourish due to the diversity of species and their unique contributions to the balance as a whole. In fact, organisms often rely on each other for survival and growth through symbiotic relationships. Similarly, cross-functional agile teams depend on each member’s contributions. For example, designers create user interfaces that developers bring to life, testers ensure quality, and business stakeholders provide valuable insights.

Cross-functional teams are agile by nature because they can respond swiftly to shifting project requirements. They can adapt their strategies based on evolving priorities. This capacity allows the team to navigate uncertainties and deliver value in a changing landscape, prioritizing open communication and transparency.

Optimizing for Efficiency

The Fibonacci “minimalist” growth cycle optimizes efficiency. Agile practices prioritize user stories, minimize waste, and promote continuous improvement. Every increment expands and enhances the product, just as nature ensures resource efficiency.

Let’s see an example. In agile practices, the prioritization of user stories follows a similar principle to the one that rules the Fibonacci sequence. By identifying and prioritizing user needs and features based on their value, the teams can ensure that each increment contributes meaningfully to the overall growth of the product. This approach minimizes unnecessary complexity and maximizes the delivery of value to users.

What’s more, the iterative nature of agile development also allows for the minimization of waste. Each sprint can produce a potentially shippable increment, so the risk of investing time and resources in features that may become obsolete or irrelevant is significantly reduced.

Nature excels in resource efficiency because it needs to allocate resources in a way that can sustain ecosystems over the long term. Agile practices echo this efficiency by promoting sustainable development, too!

Cycling Feedback Into Insights

Nature’s ability to thrive and adapt is intricately tied to its feedback mechanisms—intelligent systems that allow organisms and ecosystems to respond to changes, correct deviations, and ensure survival. Agile uses feedback loops and regular retrospectives as opportunities to learn, adapt, and continuously improve. In other words, iterative learning parallels nature’s fine-tuning processes.

We know that, in nature, feedback mechanisms are pervasive. For example, our immune system responds to pathogens, and our ecosystems adjust to changes in climate. These mechanisms ensure not only survival but also the optimization of traits and behaviors over time.

Agile development similarly emphasizes the importance of feedback. Regular retrospectives provide a dedicated space for teams to reflect on their processes, collaboration, and outcomes — and identify what is working well and what could be improved. This means that, in the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of software development, teams can pivot in response to evolving requirements, technological advancements, and user needs.

Delivering Growing Value

Fibonacci’s model builds value over time; each step contributes to progress. Agile delivers value early and often by subdividing development into valuable increments. Instead of waiting for a large, monolithic release, agile teams break down the development process so users can experience emerging product benefits at sequential intervals.

Agile’s iterative approach aligns with the sequential nature of the Fibonacci sequence, too. In both cases, the progression is marked by a sequence of steps, each contributing to the overall growth or value of the system. As users interact with the emerging product, they provide a tangible and evolving experience as the different features mature.

By delivering value in smaller increments, both Fibonacci’s model and agile development also reduce the risk associated with large-scale changes or releases.

Maintaining Balance

Nature balances growth and stability. Specifically, ecosystems maintain a dynamic equilibrium where growth and stability coexist so new species can thrive. Nature achieves this through intricate relationships, checks and balances, and a constant cycle of growth, adaptation, and stabilization.

Agile wins this balance through work prioritization. Teams focus on new features and maintain stability simultaneously. And, as in nature, Agile teams seek equilibrium between innovation and stability. For example, they can engage in regular planning sessions where they prioritize features and tasks based on their value and impact. This allows teams to focus on introducing new features and improvements while also addressing stability and maintenance concerns.

This innovation, which focuses on delivering new features early and often, is not pursued at the expense of system stability. Agile teams allocate time and effort to address technical debt, perform bug fixes, and ensure the overall steadiness of the software, too. Just like an ecosystem! The result, then, is a product that remains robust and adaptive to changing requirements.

Lastly, agile’s focus on work prioritization also includes addressing technical debt—suboptimal code or design that can hinder future development. By proactively addressing this technical debt during the regular sprints, teams can prevent the accumulation of issues that could jeopardize system stability.


There are many interesting parallels between the natural world and agile business strategies, most of which can give us valuable insights into how to deal with adaptation and growth.

By drawing inspiration from nature’s inherent agility, your business can also learn to navigate the complexities of a dynamic environment with flexibility, resilience, and efficiency - and you can use these techniques to foster a culture of Agile development within your organization.

In fact, at Smidige, our agile approach mimics the ingenuity of mother nature. So, draw inspiration from its beauty and efficiency. Contact us at to discuss your naturally agile evolution.


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Ruslan Valiyev

Ruslan Valiyev

Ruslan, with over 15 years of experience in developing technological solutions and leading teams for the design and launch of innovative services, is the CEO of Smidige. He harbors a profound passion for open-source and cloud technology.
In his most recent role at Smidige, Ruslan leads a team of architects and engineers, spearheading cloud migration and modernization projects while also cultivating new service verticals.
His career is marked by substantial contributions to the UNICC’s Blockchain and Linux projects under The Linux Foundation. Residing in Nyon, Switzerland, Ruslan cherishes family life with his spouse and two children and relishes the picturesque Swiss landscape.

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